Cx programmer v3.0
Cx programmer v3.0cx programmer v3.0

One instruction often overlooked by new users is the importance of resetting the Cycle Analyst each time you start off with a fresh charge in the battery.


Of particular interest would be sections 6 (tips and tricks) and the appendices, which go over how to hook up a V3 Cycle Analyst to controllers that don't have a CA plug, how to log trip data with a smartphone, how to tune the PID speed control feedback loops, and numerous other topics.

cx programmer v3.0

For those with a technical background looking for a deep dive then much of the CA3's hardware and earlier 3.0X firmware is exceedingly well documented in the unofficial users guide written by Endless-Sphere forum member Teklektik.


We now have at last an official user manual for the latest V3.1 Cycle Analyst device and firmware which explains the majority of settings and configurations that users would run into.


Plus many advanced capabilities to discover, and of course all the functionality that you have in the V2 CA like volts, speed, amps, amp-hours, %regen, watt-hours/km etc. Configure up to two batteries each with their own details and Low Voltage Cutoffs.

  • Battery SOC and LVC: Accurate State Of Charge (SOC) estimator based on your cell chemistry and voltage.
  • Mode Presets: Configure up to three distinct power mode presets each with their own limit settings and PAS/Throttle behaviors, and then easily switch between them with a double button press.
  • On the fly Limit Adjustments: Use a potentiometer or multi-position switch to instantly adjust any of your current/power/speed or pedal assist limits.
  • Throttle Ramps : Reduce the sensitivity and off-the-line kick of high power systems by setting ramp limits on the CA’s output throttle signal.
  • Throttle Modes: Setup your throttle in Pass-Thru mode for conventional voltage control, or have your throttle directly regulate the battery current or motor power instead.
  • Throttle Input Mapping: The CA3 can map your input throttle range to an output range suitable for the controller in order to eliminate dead-band zones at the beginning and end of the throttle motion.
  • Ebrakes: A digital input for ebrake sensors to plug in directly to the CA3, without needing to run another set of cables all the way down the bike to the controller.
  • Torque Sensor: There is an analog input to sense a pedal torque sensor (such as the THUN bottom bracket), display your human power input, and give proportional no-throttle pedalec control.
  • cx programmer v3.0

    It can use this to provide automatic power whenever you pedal (PAS mode).

  • PAS Sensor: The V3 Cycle Analyst can take the pedal pulse inputs of almost any ebike pedal rotation sensor to display your pedal cadence.
  • Thermal Rollback: A temperatures sensor input allows the V3 Cycle Analyst to scale back power as a motor heats up and prevent overheating damage.
  • Here are some of the more popular features you can include by using the V3 CA as your central ebike/EV console: With the V3 Cycle Analyst, you have access to all these advanced sensor and control schemes no matter what model motor controller powers your system. An OEM ebike company can design a custom controller that works with a specific set of input sensors, but DIY projects don’t have this luxury. Had to be supported by your particular motor controller.

    cx programmer v3.0

    In the traditional setup, any features that you wanted on the ebike, be it cruise control, torque sensing pedalec modes, temperature rollback etc. There are many advantages to this arrangement. The CA then processes all of these inputs to determine how to control your bike, which it then does via one standard throttle output signal to the controller. With the V3 Cycle Analyst, all the ebike signals, from your brake cutoffs to your throttle to your pedal sensor, are first intercepted at the Cycle Analyst. In the V2 CA we included basic throttle over-ride capabilities for speed, current, and low voltage limiting that proved quite popular, but fundamentally it was mostly a passive display. The V3 Cycle Analyst is the next step for the CA product line to not only monitor what is going on in an ebike, but also control it.

    Cx programmer v3.0